
Monday, May 2, 2016


Collage and acrylic paint on panel (unfinished). 42" x 72"

I’ve been thinking a lot about productivity.

I’ve been to local galleries, art fairs and art museums recently and have seen successful artists who work quickly and sell healthily. I scold myself for only producing 15-20 paintings a year. I like what I do, but it takes a long time.

So, a few days ago, I’m at my worktable gluing old posters to my panel (see photo) when it hits me:  I’m spending a lot of time on the layers which eventually get obscured.  Making a living is hard. If I cut my process time I would produce more. Couldn’t I just gesso the panel and get straight to the final image? Or perhaps get an assistant to do the under-layers while I paint the final layer? I have been having this argument with myself for a while.

In defense of my process:
  • ·      Each layer is considered and informs the next layer.
  •      Each layer feels like a piece of art in its own right.
  •      I have a lot of fun building the layers. I feel like I am “growing” the painting.  
  •     The viewer gets little hints, but only I know what lies underneath and what has helped me to get to the final painting.
  •     I LOVE my process.

The productivity/income formula is still not right but I guess I’ll be sticking with it for now.... and perhaps buying some lottery tickets.

Thanks for reading.